How to Really Get Big Naturally
Let me read your mind real quick…
You’re here because you want to get huge.
And when I say huge, I’m not referring to being “aesthetic” or pretty.
I’m talking about becoming absolutely massive.
You see, during your fitness journey you were told that drug-free lifters could never get big. You were told to settle for fitness model looking physiques, and that being slim or aesthetic was the only option.
Just the idea of being the strongest guy in the gym or having a thick, muscular body was something unimaginable.
Your so-called “bad genetics” were thrown in your face, and all your dreams of becoming big were crushed.
As a result, you settled for less. You settled for a small, frail physique, because you accepted the fact that you were never going to get big.
That is, until today.

Do These Experiences Sound Familiar To You?
When you first start a new program, you go balls to the wall. You listen to the best motivational speeches, buy the best training equipment and supplements, watch tons of fitness videos, and design your own custom program.
You have never felt this good in your life. Motivation is sky high, and you’re ready to pump some iron.
You begin with a split routine, where you dedicate a training day to each muscle group. Each body part is completely annihilated, leaving you sore for days.
You smash chest and arms as if it were life itself, hoping you’ll eventually look big.
You religiously drink your pre and post-workout shakes, while eating a rigid diet of chicken breast and broccoli.
You also perform tons of cardio and ab training.
A couple months go by, and you start noticing some problems…
- Your muscles start feeling soft and empty, instead of full and dense
- Your strength gains begin to plateau, rather than increase
- Your measurements haven't improved
- Your clothes fit the same
- You're always in the gym, and it feels like you're living there
- You start skipping workouts
- Recovery is getting worse, leaving you constantly sore
All that hard work, yet you barely look like you lift.
Your pants are still sagging towards your ankles, causing you to always belt up and never wear shorts.
Your t-shirts feel loose on the sleeves, slimming your biceps and triceps while accentuating your pipe-cleaner forearms.
The back and waist are also loose, giving the impression of wearing your Dad’s clothes.
That’s when it all clicks…
You Don't Look Big, You're Skinny And Sucked Up!
If that wasn’t bad enough, you’ve also become a slave to the gym! You train 4-6x a week for inferior results. It’s like working overtime but without receiving a paycheck. And this “clean” food and supplementation is costing you a fortune!
All that time and energy, yet you look scrawny and frail?
It doesn’t make sense, you think to yourself.
Didn’t your favorite fitness “gurus” tell you that this is what produced results? Didn’t they say that if you just worked hard, ate right, and supplemented that everything would be fine?
What went wrong along the way?
Well, what if I told you that almost everyone in the fitness industry is on steroids?
What if I told you that your favorite naturals were on large amounts of drugs and lying about their usage?
What if I told you that most of them have top tier elite genetics, and couldn’t train others to save their life?
How would you feel knowing that everything you were ever taught about training was false?
Unfortunately, I had to face this same reality years ago. Back then, I was oblivious to drug usage in the fitness world. I thought everyone was natural, and that hard work, good supplementation, and nutrition would cut it.
Little did I know how wrong I was.
I realized the hard way, through wasting thousands of hours following garbage systems, that something wasn’t right.
Just like you, I was confused why I wasn’t making the best gains. I often made excuses, and would constantly blame genetics. I sincerely believed I was an ectomorph/hard gainer.
Anyway, with time I got a bit bigger and stronger, but there was still something missing to my physique. The best “naturals” had had this thick, monstrous look that my body simply didn’t have.
In particular, they had wide necks, super thick traps, mountainous upper backs, 3D deltoids, large forearms, and gorilla glutes.
The fact that these very specific muscle groups were thoroughly developed made them look much bigger than they actually were.
The question is, how did they develop these regions? What was their secret in getting big?
It was drugs. Not just one drug, but a cocktail of drugs! When I learned how much stuff these guys were taking, it blew my mind.
These results were not due to their high work ethic or training, but from heavy drug abuse.
Once I understood this truth, everything made sense.
It Wasn't Your Fault!
That’s why following their workout programs never got you jacked. That’s why you struggled so hard to look big naturally. You didn’t do anything wrong, it was all in the methodology.
You’ve been trying to train like drug user, which has left you feeling very frustrated and disappointed. Don’t worry, I know exactly how you feel. Pissed off and annoyed that your time and energy was wasted. Demotivated, and angry that you were lied to.
I felt the same way for a while, until I realized that complaining wasn’t going to change anything. Rather than giving up, I decided to turn mud into gold. I saw this as an opportunity to reset, to start all over again.
If there’s a way to train while on drugs, it follows that there must also be a way to train without them. This idea became my new obsession, and I was determined to discover the ultimate system that would turn “hard gainers” into muscle-bound warriors. I had to create a system that was so effective that even juiceheads would be amazed.
And that’s exactly what I did.
I re-learned how to train, and finally got results.

I’m Alexander Leonidas, the creator of Alpha Destiny. I know exactly what it takes to maximize total body strength and development.
My training methods are so effective that I’ve managed to build more muscle and strength than typical roiders.
When you look at my stats, this immediately becomes apparent. I’m 5’5 at 180lbs, while being sub 20% bodyfat. I bench press over 405lbs raw, and hold a record in the Canadian Powerlifting Federation, where I claimed a 347.2lb/157.5kg bench press at 164lbs/74.4kg.
Some of my best lifts include: 405lb bench press, 700lb x5 trap bar deadlift, 655lb hack deadlift, 180lb weighted pullup, 225lb overhead press, 230lb weighted dip, 6 one arm pullups, 365×5 pendlay row, 90lb neck curl 100 reps, 270×50 machine neck extension, one arm t-bar row 7 plates for reps, 450lb T-bar row for reps, 300×5 dumbbell row, 1140lb beltless rack pull, one arm dumbbell press 100lbs, 9 second front lever, and levering a 35 inch 16lb sledgehammer to the head.
Very few naturals have stats like this, and to top it off, my body continues to improve without any real challenge.
Here’s why…
I do things a lot differently from most trainers and muscle-building “experts”. Instead of following primitive or out-dated training methods…
I combine science and experience into one full system. That is, I train in a full body concurrent training style, attack specific muscles, and use secret strategies that make me look much bigger.
I used to have such low standards, and back then there were no systems on building the enhanced look. So I did what no one else was willing to do.
I turned to the world of exercise science. I had to learn HOW the body worked, and what training methods worked best for real naturals.
I began reading exercise science textbooks & studies, watching thousands of videos, listening to various podcasts, attending many seminars, and learning everything I could about the human body. I devoted my life to physique mastery, and always had one objective in mind.
To apply these principles in the real world, and create a life changing program.
One that would allow lifters to make continual strength gains year after year without suffering any plateaus, while targeting the key muscle groups that steroid users have (I call these the enhanced muscles). And it needed to work for everyone, including those who had awful genetics.
The system had to be universal, and its main focus would be to look enhanced, naturally. Bulldog neck, monster traps, popping upper back, boulder shoulders, mutant forearms, and titanium glutes.
After so many years of learning and experimenting on myself and others, I finally discovered what really worked.
I’ve combined everything I know about exercise science & training into a simple to read, easily applicable program that will educate and enhance your lifting career.
It took me years to develop this system, and I’m ready to share it.
Finally, I present to you…
It strategically employs exercise science and experience into one, which allows you to develop complete general strength and develop your enhanced muscles.
I promise you will NEVER find any other system like this, since the physique objectives are so unique. Inside the Naturally Enhanced program, you’ll learn…
- The 15 strength training strategies that promote superior size & strength gains
- The 13 programs that build the enhanced muscles
- How to perform and incorporate over 300 special exercises that spark new growth
- How to really develop a muscular body without using drugs
- The importance of high exercise selection and when to rotate movements
- How to develop complete general strength and performance
- How to never face plateaus and continue to make gains year after year
- How to address weaknesses and build your key exercises automatically
- The optimal training frequency and detriments of other training styles
- Why concurrent training is the best style for getting huge naturally
- The optimal way to manage volume and intensity for recovery, longevity, and maximum muscle and strength development
- The greatest cardio to improve fitness without losing muscle mass
- The optimal number of sets and reps, in addition to rest time
- The best equipment that will revolutionize your training
- Special techniques that greatly enhance promote recovery
- The best nutritional protocols for appearing huge but not fat
- The best neck workouts for getting yoked
- Secret strategies of enhancing your physique without having to lose fat or gain muscle
I used this system to unlock my potential, just see for yourself.
You can do this too, as it’s 100% achievable and realistic with the right methods. The ultimate goal of this program is to get your body so big that people can’t help but think you’re on roids.
We are trying to emphasize the key muscle groups that few naturals ever develop. This includes the neck, traps, upper back, shoulders, forearms, and glutes.
By using the special techniques listed in this program, we can acquire all of these areas which create that steroid-looking physique.
No longer will you ever feel small or skinny ever again, because you will be bigger than 99% of lifters out there. Even the people on juice won’t believe you’re natural, because you will look similar to them! Not to mention the fact that you’ll be insanely strong.
But what’s the best part of all? You don’t have to live in the gym, and progress will always occur. You’ll be making gains so effortlessly that you might believe your food has been laced with drugs.
So what’s the final result? You become Naturally Enhanced.
Are You Ready To Transform?

I was anorexic and bulimic, tracking everything with little to no progress while getting worse. And you have helped cure my eating disorder, body dysmorphia, gain a lot of strength, size, and become the strongest version of myself physically and mentally. I ran your novice program, then Naturally Enhanced so all the progress is from that. I did mountain biking on the side, some street workout strongman, etc. In 2015 I was a fat 84kg, then 2016 anorexic 66kg, and now in 2018 I’m a healthy 88kg. Not obsessively tracking food, enjoying the gains, and of course the journey.

Hey, Alex. I just wanted to thank you for the hard work and dedication you put into Naturally Enhanced. My neck was a measly 14 inches and now, my neck is over 17 inches. I’m also loving the bear mode lifestyle as it lets me be not as strict with my diet (within reason of course) and it also makes me look ridiculously big in and out of clothes! Prior to learning about you and your methodologies, I had been lifting for about 2 and a half years and I had very little to show for it, strength and physique wise. I didn’t know what I was doing in the gym and although I would do compound movements, I would “write my own programs” and do a lot of unnecessary nonsense. Fast forward to now, I look leaner now, despite being at 18% bodyfat, weighing 22lbs heavier and I’m making these natty gains on a daily basis! The pictures you’re seeing were taken about a year apart (minus the neck and traps transformation, weight differences are 170 to 192lbs at 6’0. Again, thank you so much for making such a masterpiece. I owe you my gains.

Thanks brother it’s all thanks to you my neck is around 18 1/2 in and everyone at my gym has said my traps are getting bigger from when I was doing typical bro splits. Your program is working, I’m turning into a beast.

I started lifting with bad workout programs, hopping on different programs every darn week. The results were bad, because I had no clue what I was doing and did not pay attention to nutrition. With your advice, I upped my calories, and began sleeping more. Even though I have a job and I’m going to college I’m still finding time since I started using your methods by changing my training and and recovery. My muscle and strength gains came amazingly fast. Neck is now 20 inches and still improving! My best lifts are deficit deadlift 500×10, zercher squat 405×6, high pull 315, weighted plank 7 plates, Kroc row 220×30, lunges +225 for reps, good morning +315 for reps, weighted crunch 90lbs for 80 reps.

My progress photos about 4 months apart. I also gained 10lbs of lean size from running this system. Thank you Alex,

I’ve been following Naturally Enhanced for 5 months and made absolutely incredible gains got squat to 315×11, 310×2 pause bench, and 455×9 deadlift. Went from a bodyweight of 250 to 224 now. The only thing I changed as a beginner until intermediate was keeping the main pressing and lower body movement and sometimes the secondary movement if I KNEW I could make progress. I also recommend novices don’t go full out 10×10 on volume days 5×10 is plenty. I got pummeled trying them and felt like complete ass up until my presses were intermediate. Oh and as a novice and very early intermediate the band pushdowns on top of the normal triceps work was just too much. Now I feel like there is not enough sometimes lol.

All pulling is coming up fast since running NE. Bro my back, neck and traps are blowing up, like I can actually barely believe it, took some shots and way thicker since all the special exercises. Got to say I’m having a blast running NE, it’s a fun program style, never gets old. Rack pull is now at 1014lbs/460kg for a single originally 600lbs /270kg before your program.

I’ve always focused on getting stronger on compound lifts. I did make gains. However, only after I jumped on the NE program for a few months doing special exercises such as high rack pulls and others listed in the program, did my traps and forearms blow up. I highly recommend this program for anyone wanting to get yoked.

You helped me to look at training on a new level. This is the first time I started doing full body workouts religiously for the first time in my life with great success. I like the approach of specializing in the six essential muscle groups. Being pretty arm and leg dominant, your unique approach to working out, getting bigger shoulders and looking wider as a whole resonated really well with me. I also found that training my neck separately makes it feel healthier and I don’t get spasm anymore like before. What I love the most about it, is the little time I spend in the gym now, which gives me more time to focus on other parts of my life, like playing the electric guitar. Continue doing your thing Alex, I appreciate all the time and effort you put into this!

I found Alex’s YouTube channel and knew right off the bat that he was the real deal. I started with a 175×4 bench and a 135×1 OHP. 4 months later after following Alex’s advice along with Naturally Enhanced I now have a 285lb bench, 195lb seated OHP with full range of motion and shrugging 500lbs for reps. I feel like an ultimate beast. With the growth of my traps and neck in combination with growing out my beard, I’ve never felt so good about my looks. Thank you Alex for helping me change my life.

I started working out 7 years ago doing those bodybuilding split routines from fake natties and bodybuilders. This last year I didn’t put more then 1 or 2 pounds of muscle and I was really close to quit lifting , but I had luck and saw one of your videos which is 5 months ago. Since then I started using NE methods and programming and oh man the results are crazy. I went from 13 inch neck to 18.5 , chest from 39 to 45 , traps and forearms blew up as well , everything blew up. You are the realest out there for naturals in the fitness industry. Thanks for being so honest, you changed my life.

After running Naturally Enhanced long term, I can tell Alex spent thousands of hours breaking the science down, teaching himself over the years and applying the knowledge to his own training for tests before writing this book. This book is calculated to the max in terms of the detail and organization. I never get hurt, and I recover fast thanks to the special techniques explained in this book. Volume days will punish your body and make you into a man with the immense psychological game you play to push through. You’ll hit PR’s every single intensity day. I’ve read NE about 3 times and each read through I learn more that I can apply to my training. It’s strongly recommended you follow exactly what’s written and don’t deviate. Thank you Alex, your work is phenomenal!
– Jon
Time to Get Yoked!
You'll get the main manual, and complete program for Naturally Enhanced

All my secrets for getting stronger and building muscle are contained inside this 415 page e-book.
You’ll learn everything from:
- Why most naturals are small
- How to properly manage volume/intensity for maximum performance and recovery
- How to strategically develop the enhanced muscles
- How to incorporate special strength training strategies to bust through plateaus
- How to write full body concurrent training programs
- How to consistently break records every time you train
- How to look much bigger than you actually are
- …And much more.
Special Exercise Demonstrations
If there is one thing you’ll need to succeed, it’s selecting the right exercises. Too many times, you follow a program without knowing how to perform the exercises listed. This results in you having to watch boring tutorials online, which wastes precious time and energy.
Luckily, you don’t have to go that route, because in this program I demonstrate and explain OVER 300 EXERCISES that will all build tremendous strength and muscular development. They are unique to the MMA, wrestler, field athlete, powerlifter, strongman, weightlifting, and arm wrestling world.
All of the fluff exercises have been filtered out, so you’ve been left with only the best. Strength standards have also been included. By mastering these key movements your body will truly become Naturally Enhanced.

4 Week Programs

I provide you with THIRTEEN 4 week programs that each develop the enhanced muscles in their own unique way. Every exercise combination and training style is contained in these programs.
This is great, because the hard programming is out of the way. You can get started with full body concurrent training instantly, without the headaches.
All you must do is select a program of your choice, make few modifications if necessary, and then you’re set.
The combination of these programs will last you a long time!
I am very confident with this material, and know exactly what will happen if you train in this specialized style. All of your enhanced muscles, being the neck, traps, upper back, shoulders, forearms, and glutes will improve, causing you to look much bigger naturally. This process will be simple, as I don’t have you live in the gym and everything is perfectly auto regulated for optimal strength progression and recovery. Now if you do your workouts, attack the right weaknesses, and properly recover – all of it to the letter and for whatever reason don’t see results…then just send me an email within 60 days and I’ll give you every cent back on the best program ever created for drug-free lifters. I know this system works so the risk is all on me. All you must do is correctly follow the program, which is extremely easy to do.

The System That Turns Hard Gainers Into Easy Gainers...
Just watch some fitness videos online and see what you find.
The confusing videos don’t stop, and misinformation is all over the place.
These fake naturals are giving you dangerous advice that is unclear and outdated.
Why should you trust them knowing that they built their physiques with hard drugs? They’re not on the same path as you.
But with me, I don’t complicate your life or make up stuff. I tell you straight up what works, and what doesn’t work for real naturals.
And let me tell you something very important. When you’re a drug-free lifter, you can only fulfill your potential with proper training.
Naturally Enhanced accomplishes this exactly. It’s all science and experience, while being easy to follow.
And that’s the way it should be! Simple and straightforward.
Fulfill Your Yoke Destiny

Very fast, the download will be sent to your inbox/spam folder within minutes. If not send me an email at
Within your first 30-90 days, changes will be apparent (especially in neck, traps, and strength). The longer you run the system, the better the gains will be.
Absolutely, just make sure to keep the exercise selection and volume/intensity parameters basic. It’s very simple and is explained in the manual.
It’s the only system that uses concurrent periodization to emphasize general strength and size gains in the enhanced muscles. It also features unique programs, unconventional methods, illusion strategies, and special exercises. Best of all, this is accomplished with little days in the gym. The goal is hyper-focused on looking enhanced, naturally.
Yes, even though I advocate higher body fat (15-20%) for looking bigger, the programming itself remains amazing. Recovery won’t be an issue, and strength gains will be through the roof even in a lean state.
Yes, and recomping should be fairly easy in your case. Extreme dieting is a thing of the past, as one of the main benefits of this program is its emphasis on higher body fat. No need to be super lean or shredded. Build the muscles and accentuate your frame with the extra weight. Your large appetite will now be to your benefit, so enjoy eating like a king.